Customized Insurance Programs for Construction & Development Firms
Construction projects, regardless of their size, can present complex insurance issues for contractors and developers. Acumen Solutions Group offers customized insurance bundles that offer the right mix of insurance programs to meet the complex needs of this unique industry. We offer policies for coverage of basic construction business needs including general liability, workers compensation, employment practices liability and more detailed construction needs including Builder’s Risk Coverage and other specialized policies.
Why do Construction & Development Firms Need Insurance
Possibly no two words strike more fear in the hearts of architects, engineers and contractors than “construction defect.” A claim for construction defect can cost astronomical amounts to correct and defend. And then there’s the damage to your reputation and its impact on your future opportunities for work. It’s enough to break a business.
Today, your risk of becoming involved in a construction defect claim is greater than ever. New technology, materials and applications have changed the way commercial buildings, homes and condominiums are constructed.
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