Let’s create a comprehensive
program to protect your business
Let’s create a comprehensive
program to protect your business
Acumen Solutions Group (ASG) is a full-service receivables management support company founded and managed by proven leaders in the ARM, Insurance, and Benefits industries.
ASG consists of Acumen Insurance which offers customized, exclusive Insurance & Benefits niche programs for the ARM industry and Acumen Licensing which offers best in class bundled licensing services, including bonds, registered agents, and resident managers.
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Organizations in the receivables management industry often need specialized insurance packages to fit their complex needs.
We offer the right mix of insurance coverages for collection agencies, debt buyers and collection law firms to be successful.
News & Related Articles
Acumen Solutions Group offers helpful information for businesses to better understand their
insurance options. Read company news and articles offering insight.
HR Insights: Professional Employer Organizations
Professional Employer Organizations Sometimes companies have trouble meeting their human resources needs, especially while also trying to increase profits. To assist in this area, many companies hire professional employer organizations (PEOs). When hiring one of these organizations, the company and [...]
Health Savings Account (HSAs) – Q&As from the IRS
Many employers offer high-deductible health plans (HDHPs) to control premium costs, and then pair this coverage with health savings accounts (HSAs) to help employees with their health care expenses. A health savings account is a tax-favored trust or account that [...]
Safe Grocery Shopping During the Coronavirus Outbreak
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted everyday life in many ways. Many states have ordered residents to stay at home and avoid any unnecessary contact with others. That being said,you still have to eat. It is important that you take [...]
Force Majeure and Coronavirus
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic has caused organizations around the world to experience disruptions to their normal course of business. Common problems include mandatory remote work, business closures and quarantines, travel restrictions and breakdowns in the supply chain. The [...]